Medi-Matte Oil Control Lotion SPF 20
Maybe it's just me, & I have the worst luck w/Cosmedicine products. Do I get faulty samples, or just happen to test the products that suck?I was excited to try this, as it promises to stop me from being a greasy mess & stop the sun from making me a wrinkly leather glove.
Squirted some of this into my hand & flashed back to elementary school, when we'd put the Elmer's glue on our palms & let it dry then peel it off. If only this lotion were that satisfying.
Yes, it feels thick & viscous like glue. Your face will know how paper feels, getting paste spread all over. After the initial gluey-face repulsion, I let the lotion sink in for a bit. Had to wash my hands, scrubbing with bar soap. Not a good sign. I then touched my face-rubber! So creepy.
After a few hours, I was still rubbery, but also slightly oily. I felt gross the whole rest of the day, which made me all moody & pissy. So, if you want to be shunned by friends, family, & co-workers & feel like the bottom if a shoe, go for this.
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